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Liposuction body contouring still remains one of the most sought after cosmetic treatments. Those unwanted areas of fat located on the abdomen, back called the muffin top and love handles, thighs, knees, arms and neck can be most effectively treated with liposuction. 

What’s so unique about Dr. Tom’s liposuction technique? 


Dr. Tom has extensive experience in performing liposuction and has taught his liposuction technique to cosmetic surgeons from over 22 states and countries, including Hawaii. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia called “Tumescent Anesthesia”. By saturating the targeted surgical area with high volume of dilute local anesthesia large amounts of fat can be removed safely, without discomfort and with a quicker recovery.


There is no need for general or “twilight” anesthesia. Dr. Tom also uses specific liquification technique and small microcannulas to remove the unwanted fat. This leads to a more efficient removal of fat with smoother results. 

FREE Consultation

Dr. Tom and the team at  Maui Cosmetic Surgery stress patient education and want you to feel secure in making your decision about any cosmetic procedure. That’s why your consultation is free! Call our office today for more information: (808) 445-6800

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